Friday, February 25, 2022

Just Publish It / Happenings In The Outhouse 25-Feb-2022

I was listening to a podcast a few weeks ago and something was said that resonated very well.  The person on the podcast said that he attributed his level of success to this axiom: "just hit send."

Now, he was talking about sending an email about the services his business can provide, but under it all he was talking how we can edit our works over and over again, right to the point of death.  At some point, you just need to be done with it and move on.

The same goes for writers in general.  If you feel the need to edit your "Great American Novel" to death, it will not sound original.  It will not stand out.

And standing out is what you want.

Now, I'm not talking raw works that have no flavor or substances, full of typos and punctuation errors.  There are a variety of editing methods, so use the one that works best for you.  Some of the best authors edit as they go.

But don't "fix" your piece of work too much or else it won't sound original, unique.  Your voice will be missing, and it will sound like everything else.

How much should you edit is up to you, but I caution you to not overdo it.

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