Friday, July 30, 2021

Pay attention to what you are neglecting / Happenings In The Outhouse 30-July-2021

Focusing your energy on one thing is good.

But if it means neglecting essential aspects of your life, the results can be harmful.  Even fatal.

When my late wife's health was failing, it was easy to just focus on her.  I mean, come on, she was worth it!  But if I neglected my own health, mentally and physically, the harmful effects wouldn't do the rest of my family or I any good.

It isn't selfish to put some of your essential needs ahead of someone else's.  Even Jesus, who gave all that He could for the people, including His life, went off alone quite often to reflect, pray, and rest.

A few weeks ago, I came to the hard decision to shift some of my energy from writing to cleaning up my yard--don't worry, I still write in the mornings.  I had meant to keep up with the yard work, and years of utter neglect showed, but it was the hard determination to just go ahead and do it that jarred it loose.  I gathered the tools I needed, bought ones that I did not own, and dedicated time each and every night to the task at hand.  It's not done, but it looks a heck of a lot better than before.

You see, through all the years of focusing my time and energy on my late wife, caring and loving her, these aspects of the family suffered.  This included my health.  Last June I joined a gym.  I needed to improve my health.  Weight loss was a must.

Exercise quickly became a daily habit.

Because I wanted to improve.

Because I wanted to serve others in a better capacity.

And to love?  Possibly the same kind of love I showed my sweet, precious angel, who let go of my hand on January 16, 2020, at 10:15am and grabbed the mighty hand of Jesus as He took her into Heaven?

I . . . I think so.

Am I ready?

That, my friend, I don't know.

But I'm willing to try.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Want something, make it a habit / Happenings In The Outhouse 23-July-2021

On June 15, 2020, I joined the local gym.  I desperately needed to get in shape, to lose weight, and with pandemic restrictions finally lifting then, I decided it was finally time.

No more putting it off.

Once I joined, I made it a habit of going at the same time every single day (okay, I do take 1-2 nights off a week, at the most to give my body a rest).  I find that setting a schedule of going in at a specific time, instead of "oh, sometime today" made my habit of going to the gym much more concrete.

And what's weird is that even on my "off" days, when my designated time rolls around, I get antsy to go.

Several years ago, I woke up at 5:30am every morning to write.  I was able to crank out a few novels during those times, and it was just something I needed to do.

What do you want to do?  What are you putting off?

Make it a habit.

Good luck!

Friday, July 16, 2021

Progress / Happenings In The Outhouse 16-July-2021

A short one today.

Many things going on, and yet I still make time for writing, even if it's for less than 30 minutes.

I'm currently past 24,000 words in the novel.  I doubt I will not finish by the end of the quarter, but the end of the year may be the true goal.

Keep plugging away, whatever your goal is.  Every little bit helps.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Try and try again / Happenings In The Outhouse 09-July-2021

Most people know the wise words of Yoda: "Do.  Or do not.  There is no try."

And although there is some solid wisdom in those words, even simply trying something gets one going in a certain direction.

Last week, I said I was going to have a daily goal of 1,000 words.

Well, since posting it I have failed.  I have had a few things I'm dealing with personally that have steered my attention away from my daily writing habit.

But I look at each day as something new.  I will keep trying.  And the more I try, the more I do.  And the more I do, the more I will succeed.

So keep trying.  Even if you have a set a smaller goal, do it.  Go for the easy wins early on and go from there.

Friday, July 2, 2021

20,000 Words And Counting / Happenings In The Outhouse 02-July-2021

My current work in progress is coming along nicely.  I've gotten through a few emotional hurdles lately in regards to my late wife and what would've been our 24th wedding anniversary.

But now, back to business.

As I do every three months, I review my "next five things."  Which are five things for me to accomplish on my to-do list this quarter.  I figure if I write 1000 words daily, I'll be able to finish this book by the end of the quarter--if not before.

So, that is my challenge: to write 1000 words daily and finish my current work in progress.