Friday, January 27, 2023

Sports, Baseball Cards, And Other Unfamiliar Things / Happenings In The Outhouse 27-Jan-2023

Most, if not all, who know me, know that I am not a sports fan.

So why in the world did I start writing a book about baseball (and baseball cards) is truly beyond me.  But that's the way creativity works, I guess.

My current work-in-progress is a Middle Grade novel, inspired by my oldest daughter when we were out tossing a softball around many years ago.  The title struck me right away (I will share this at a later time), and I've had it on the backburner for a long, long time.

When I started it last summer, I didn't quite know the exact direction the story would go.  Well, truth be told, I never know the exact direction any story I've written goes right from the beginning.  Stories unfold as they're written, like opening a Christmas gift you have no clue as to what it is.

I knew the story was going to be about baseball and softball, the latter I'm slightly familiar with as I used to play on a youth softball league in my younger days.  Most of the kids in the town I grew up in played on this league, boys and girls.  But it soon delved into unfamiliar territory when baseball cards came into the story and, soon, baseball and sports in general.

I've done enough research to not completely botch it, but I know there will be details others may point out.  I don't care if I botch it, but I do care to write it with just enough authenticity that it appears I know what I'm talking about.

If you run into unfamiliar things, embrace it and learn.  Not that I'm going to turn into a sports fan or even an expert in baseball card collecting, because I'm not.  But learning new things has been quite fun.  Who knows where it will all lead?

Friday, January 20, 2023

It's Okay To Reset On Stalled Project / Happenings In The Outhouse 20-Jan-2023

I'm not saying my current work-in-progress is stalled completely, but I'm at a point where I'm not clear as t the direction of the story.

All I need is time to think.

I've had a few things going on in the past week that has stalled this project a bit, but not completely.  My mind is still working, sorting out details and asking questions as to the direction on where the story is heading.

Never fear, it will be done.

So I took a few days, hit the pause button, and am now refocusing on the project.  I have no doubt that it will turn out well in the end.

Friday, January 13, 2023

Quick Update / Happenings In The Outhouse 13-Jan-2023

Been a busy week with other non-writing activities--and writing, of course.

I am currently over 52,000 words in my current work-in-progress, a middle grade baseball-related novel.  My initial deadline was February 1st, but that will more than likely be pushed out a little bit.

But no worries, the story is plugging away and I'm loving it!

Friday, January 6, 2023

The Past Isn't Always Your Future / Happenings In The Outhouse 06-Jan-2023

"I'm always bad at math!"

Or fill in math with something else.  Listen to what you're telling yourself.

Listen for the word . . . "always."

If always is followed by something negative, stop thinking about it.  Strive to think the exact opposite.  I recently had a conversation with a younger person who said they were always bad at math because their Dad was bad at math, so therefore they will always be bad at math.  I wanted so bad to reach across and yank the word "bad" and "always" from their mouth.

Then, I tested this person on some flash cards.  Out of two hundred, this person got . . . three wrong.  That's it.  Just three.  And it was multiplying large numbers too.

If you find yourself saying that you're bad at something, do something to fix it.  Or remedy it in a way in your favor.  For myself, I'm not much of a DIY person and would rather hire someone to do a job professionally.  The time spent on other tasks I know I'm good at, to help pay for those who are good at other tasks, is time well spent.

But if I truly had to, I could figure out a way.

Because there always is a way.