Friday, August 17, 2012

Happenings In The Outhouse 17-Aug-2012 / Schedule changes

I'm a little disappointed in the progress I've been making on Beholder's Eye.  Even though I'm working a lot on it (yes, I'm still working on chapters 40-42, but nearing the end), I was on around chapter 25 at the beginning of the summer.

At the beginning of this week, Michael Hyatt posted on a blog on why he'll be blogging lessWhat!  Yes, you heard it correctly.  Blogging less.  He'll be posting blogs two days a week instead of the usual five.

Then, I began to examine my own work.  With a total of three blogs (one is already at 1-2 days a week and the other one I've cut down from five to two), I was wondering if I should cut back.  The answer I came back with was . . . yes.


Some of my other "projects" are also being put on hold: future podcast and video blog to complement this blog.  I recorded a podcast last night, and one thing I have to say is this: "Podcasting is tough!"  Much more difficult than I originally planned.  Needless to say, my first dry run will never make it out onto the web.

So, beginning next week, I'm putting the Wednesday Writing Prompts on hold and I'm cutting back to blogging three days: Monday, Wednesday, and the Friday "Happenings In The Outhouse."  Trust me, this is all for the good.

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