Thankful that I am alive.
Thankful for my health.
Thankful that I have been presented with opportunities, and I have been given the insight to pursue a number of those opportunities.
Thankful for my loving family, my extended family, and even the new family that God has brought us together.
It is easy to go through life looking at the negative side of everything. I could say, oh sure I'm alive but my first wife died and many people I have known are no longer with us. I could say, my health isn't the best as it could be and no matter what I do it doesn't seem to get better. I could also say that I have a job with a steady paycheck, and I have published several stories of varying length, but I'm not rich and famous like I want to be.
I am thankful for what the Lord has given me.
Look to the positive side of life. There is too much going on to focus on the negative.
Be thankful for what you have. Even if you struggle with finding a single thing, it's there.