Friday, October 2, 2020

Focus on what is important / Happenings In The Outhouse 02-Oct-2020

It's easy to get distracted.

Especially in today's time where more and more are vying for out attention.  All of our social media channels thrive on people staying on their platform longer and longer.  The 24/7 news media companies are offering up the latest BREAKING NEWS.

But I believe this has always been the case.  We want to stay busy, work longer hours, constantly feeling needed by those around us.

Step back for a moment and ask yourself, "What's important?"

Health?  Family?  God?  Hobby?  Something else?

When I updated my quarterly "Top Five" for the next quarter, I reviewed last quarter's.  I had more than five things.  And I barely accomplished any.  So I kept it simple for the last quarter.  Just five.  Five goals.  Are they attainable?  Yes.  Will they be easy?  Depends on how you look at it.  I broke the goals down into smaller chunks of five total, so I should be able to do at least three, if not four.

Another item for consideration is cutting down on the amount of podcasts I listen to.  Yes, again.  My list seems to grow and grow, and although I get through them all in a given week, I still wonder if I can cut them down more.

Look back in the archive of this blog and search "podcast fast" and you can see I've done this before.

It's okay to quit something.  Nine years ago, I resigned my part-time job as a licensed peace officer.  Sure, the extra cash was nice, but other areas in my life suffered.  Do I regret it?  Nope.  If you need to quit something, do it.

Remember to focus on what's important in your life.  God gave you a purpose.  Fulfill that destiny He gave you.

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