Friday, April 17, 2020

Vincent Van Gogh, The Doctor, and the tortured artist / Happenings In The Outhouse 17-April-2020

About ten years ago, an episode of Doctor Who called "Vincent and the Doctor" aired--my youngest daughter and I watched it on DVD yesterday, as we're doing our best to social distance.  Long story short, in this episode The Doctor and his companion Amy Pond go back to the time of Vincent Van Gogh, where they have an extraordinary adventure.  I won't go on much more than that.

As stated in the timeline of the story, the fictional event takes place roughly a year before he commits suicide.  The episode ends with The Doctor giving Vincent an unexpected gift: to go into the future, to see the impact his paintings had on the world, because everyone thought his paintings were rubbish.  Honestly, this ending scene always gives me chills.  Here it is.  Enjoy.

This episode reminds me of what the majority of people just think about artists.  That we're all tortured souls and the only way to relieve our pain is to create the art we were meant to create.

And that's true.

Well, for some artists it is.  The majority just love to tell stories.

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