Friday, February 28, 2020

Write for you, not the market / Happenings In The Outhouse 28-Feb-2020


When oh when will we see stories about diabolical viruses and teams of scientists who will battle them?

This is writing to the market, to our fears, to the latest current headline.

But how long will it last?  Sure, if you were to hurry and create such a story, it might sell a few copies.  But when the fears end, so will your sales.  Then what?

Write what interests you.  Let the market find you, not the other way around.  The best stories were written with no one in mind, not for any headlines.  If the story is written well enough, it will create headlines of its own.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Do what you do best / Happenings In The Outhouse 21-Feb-2020

It's okay to experiment.  But, if it doesn't work, stop it.  Go back to what does work.

Over the past few years, aside from the medical issues with my wife, I tried a few various writing techniques to see if they improve how I write.  Undoubtedly, none really worked to improve anything.  If anything, they hindered it.

The techniques I tried revolved around outlining stories.  None have seemed to work.  So, it's back to what I do best.  Writing on the seat of my pants.  Writing in the dark.  It goes by a number of names, but in the end I write the story as I sit on the computer.

Oh, sure, I may think about a story while I'm driving to work but sitting down to outline a story has never really seemed to work for me.

For the most part, what we do best is what works best.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Goals in and out of your control / Happenings In The Outhouse 14-Feb-2020

Can you control if a book makes the bestseller list?

Can you control if a book even sells?

Sorry to say, but no.  Oh, sure, you may game the system a bit, but that only leads to short term gains (if there are any at all).  In fact, the time wasted trying to game the system could be best put toward putting more words onto the page.

Words on the page.  This is the only thing you can control.  Or you may call it "butt in chair time."  Although I don't like that phrase because one can waste enough time sitting in a chair.

Put time toward getting words on the page.  THAT is the only thing you can control.

(Okay, not quite the only thing, but close enough.  If you're an indie author, you may change your cover or other search terms, but in the end it comes down to putting words on the page.)

Friday, February 7, 2020

Getting back into the swing of it / Happenings In The Outhouse 07-Feb-2020

Keeping this one short this week.  I'm slowly getting back into the swing of writing.

My current work-in-progress is the fifth novel in the Central Division Series.  However, since I haven't written in that world, with those characters, for almost two years, I'm skimming the last novel just to get my mind back into it.

Hoping to have more next week.