Friday, December 19, 2014

Straight Razor officially a novel / Happenings In The Outhouse 19-Dec-2014

Today, the upcoming novel Straight Razor is officially a novel.

But wait?  Wasn't it going to be?

Of course, fellow reader.  But now I can say with certainty, the first draft has surpassed the 40K mark SFWA has outlined as an official novel.

The first draft has been going much better now.  I'm still plugging away on the additional scenes.  They're going beautifully.  I can't wait to share them.

I oh so badly want to put Straight Razor up for pre-order . . . and Amazon will allow it, as long as it can be out in 90 days.  I'm almost certain it can.


But I don't quite dare pull the trigger yet.

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