Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Troubles coming up with a book title? Try this.

I recently chatted with an author who was having troubles coming up with a title for the fantasy novel she was working on.  We threw out a few ideas, several of them good.

Then, I told her to try this: take a blank piece of paper and write down 20 titles.

Some of the ones she already possibly chose, of course, would make the list.  But having them down on paper, in a way, clears the mind to brainstorm more.

If you're having troubles coming up with a book title or a direction on where the story should go or how to end the story or coming up with a book cover design (or countless other decisions), try the brainstorming method.

Take a blank piece of paper or blank document.

Then write down 20 ideas.

After the end of 20 ideas, put it away, and the next morning brainstorm 20 more.

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