Are you a solid Republican?
Or a staunch Democrat?
Are your beliefs rooted deeply within these two camps, albeit camps that seem to blend at times, and you will fight anyone who tells you differently?
Perhaps you're a Libertarian?
A Green supporter?
A Tea Party activist?
A middle of the road Independent?
And the list goes on and on . . .
(I'm still waiting for the Zombie or Vampire Party, but that's a discussion for another day--please no Sparkling Vampire Party!)
Is the political lens you look through blinding you from looking at other candidates in a more "let's at least hear this guy/gal out"?
Is your candidate so above doing anything wrong, that no matter what they say or do, you forgive them?
Imagine your candidate killing someone close to you--would you hold them as accountable as if it was the other candidate?
Here's a question I would love answered, in an honest way: would the media and liberals out there have treated Sarah Palin the same way if she were a Democrat?
Or, here's one for the other side: would the right-wing have treated Hillary Clinton the same way if she were a Republican?
How are you looking through your political lens? What value system are you using?
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