Friday, September 13, 2024

Just Finish It / Happenings In The Outhouse 13-Sept-2024

I started a short story based on a "what if" scenario a few months back.  I went only so far, then moved on when I felt stuck on where it should go.

But now it fits in with a possible publication submission that is due the end of the month, so I have been working at it.  In other words, I need to just finish it.

So many of us start projects that we don't finish.  There might've been a good reason to start it, but depending on the circumstances, we quit.  I urge you to finish those projects.  Get them out into the world.

Because this is the end of the quarter, I have not only one short story to do, but two.  The other is for another submission to Writers of the Future.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Types Of Goals / Happenings In The Outhouse 06-Sept-2024

I've touched on goals several times on this blog, and I want to enhance it a little.

If you're unfamiliar with Stephen Covey's time management system of the four quadrants, let me quickly summarize with this visual:

Now, where you want to spend the most of your time is quadrant 2.  This is where the works gets planned and executed.

For the longest time, I have planned out each quarter with my "Top 5" things to do.  But I recently discovered that this wasn't enough.  Back in college, I had a calendar where I tallied the number of pages I wrote in a single day.  I would total that number up each week, and it was my goal to make that number grow each week.

You may not have a top 5 for each day, but even a top 1-3 would make your life run more smoothly.  Set up daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and even yearly goals.  Each of these is different, and each works a different set of brain muscles.