Friday, February 26, 2021

Longer than expected / Happenings In The Outhouse 26-Feb-2021

The latest novel is taking a bit longer than expected.

For the past few weeks, northern Minnesota has been hit with a long stretch of sub-zero temperatures.  Why should this matter to me?

Because I had other things on my mind, like vehicle troubles, not being able to go to the gym, and frankly the stress of it all came to a head.

This week, things are slowly getting back on track.  I went to the movie last weekend, The Little Things, and loved it!  I may write a review on it soon, but as far as serial killer style suspense movies, it ranked up there as one of the better ones.

For now, I'm cutting this short.  See y'all next week.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Writers Of The Future Workshop (Free!) / Happenings In The Outhouse 19-Feb-2021

What if I told you there was an online writing workshop that was taught by three bestselling authors that was available for anyone who wants to learn how to improve your writing and storytelling skills?

These workshops can be done at your own time, and teaches everything from coming up with story ideas and plotting your stories to narration and writing at your own pace--and a lot more!

How much would you pay for this?

Believe it or not, the cost is free.

The workshop is taught by bestselling science fiction/fantasy authors: Orson Scott Card, David Farland, and Tim Powers.  There are articles, practical lessons, and videos that accompany each of the workshop lessons.

I recently completed this workshop and I found the lessons valuable beyond measure.

The best part, this workshop is for writers of all levels.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Next Novel Almost Done / Happenings In The Outhouse 12-Feb-2021

65,000 words and counting . . .

Looking back, the last novel I finished was in July 2018.  And the last book in this thriller series was published in September 2016.  Far too long.

Oh, sure, I've had a few other shorter things written, including two in 2020, but a full-length novel?  Nope.  Not for a while.

How long?  I'm shooting for the end of the month, but with the massively cold weather and car troubles, my mind isn't where it should be.

Be patient, my friends.  More details to come . . .

Friday, February 5, 2021

Wrapping Things Up / Happenings In The Outhouse 05-Feb-2021

Last weekend, I surpassed the 60,000 word mark on the fifth novel in the Central Division thriller series.  For the week prior, I re-read what I had written (I have already done this twice so far) in case I had missed something.

Things are coming to an end very nicely.

What is it about, you may ask?

Patience . . .