I watched an interview, by a famous CEO, who said one of the biggest problems companies make is that they focus too much on their competition.
Who should they be focusing on?
This makes complete sense. I follow a number of authors on social media and I chuckle how much they seem to focus on other writers, comparing themselves to be better than other writers. In fact, they take great pains in critiquing other writers, only to build themselves up.
I have not watched the last season of Game of Thrones, as I do not have HBO and I only watch the shows on DVD. But I have seen many criticize how the last season was done. Again, I sit back and chuckle to myself, thinking, "If you think you can do better, do it!"
Honestly, that is what I should have titled this post, and I may expand on that notion next week.
So, to my fellow writers out there, quit focusing on other writers and delight your readers. Take them on a journey.
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