Friday, July 31, 2015

Back in the saddle / Happenings In The Outhouse 31-Jul-2015

Didn't think you'd ever hear from me again, did you?

A lot has happened in the past few months, one of which is the failure of my trusty laptop--I'm writing this on another computer, by the way.  I've researched and found the laptop I want.  Now it's just to get off my butt and buy it.

A few months ago, I also published Straight Razor.  It's currently $2.99, exclusive with Amazon for the near-future, and it's also free for those in the Amazon Kindle Unlimited program.

This week was also our writers group meeting.  There was only one member present, aside from myself, and it was a wonderful meeting.  This young writer is very talented and is nearing the end of her first fantasy novel.  We discussed how her writing has changed from the very beginning, and how not to get in the habit of endless editing when you can either hit PUBLISH or send it off to a publisher.

I promise to start writing more.  Well, I have been writing, but it's longhand in a notebook.  It's interesting to do so, because it forces one to think more.

Okay, what am I writing?  The third novel in the Central Division Series.  I have a few chapters written so far, and it's going very well.

Once again, if you wish to pick up an ebook copy of Straight Razor, I'd be grateful if you did.  Sales have been decent, and I'm contemplating whether or not to keep the Amazon exclusivity when it runs out the end of August.