Friday, March 21, 2025

Rules For A Reason / Happenings In The Outhouse 21-March-2025

Everyone loves rules, right?

Oh, you don't?

Well, you're gonna like these.

Or are you . . . ?

In 1964, science fiction author Robert Heinlein wrote an essay in a collection titled Of Worlds Beyond.  At the very end of the essay, almost as an afterthought, he stated his five basic rules of writing.  Keep in mind, he was talking about fiction, and speculative fiction to boot, but this can be used for all writing.

These simple rules are:
1) Write
2) Finish what you're writing
3) Do not rewrite except to editorial review
4) Put your story out on the market
5) Keep it on the market until it's sold

Sounds simple, right?  Not so fast, Sparky.  When you peel back the onion, you'd be amazed at how many people can't do even the most simple of these rules.

In the upcoming weeks, I will dive deeper into each of these rules, how they shaped my own life, and how you can use them to shape your future.

Also, you may think this is only for writers.  Wrong!  These rules can be put in place for any hobby that you want to take to the next level.

Friday, March 14, 2025

Be Healthy / Happenings In The Outhouse 14-March-2025

Late Monday night, I got hit with something (I'm still leaning toward food poisoning) that nearly took me out of commission for Tuesday and into Wednesday.  Needless to say, I got absolutely no writing done for a few days.

That being said, it's always good to be mindful of one's health.  Have regular check-ups with your doctor.  Do NOT skip them.  In fact, if possible, once you leave your appointment, schedule the next one.  Because once it's on the calendar, you won't forget.

This goes with everything, from dentists and eye doctors to your regular medical doctors and specialists.  What are you missing?  Don't skip it.

Friday, March 7, 2025

What's Up With Diners? / Happenings In The Outhouse 07-March-2025

When I reflect back on a number of my latest stories, many are set in diners.  Mostly roadside diners AKA greasy spoons.

Truth be told, I have never, ever worked in a diner.  Not even in the food industry.  However, I am fascinated by it and watch many shows about the food industry.  Many by Gordon Ramsey.  The Food Network is my jam.

I honestly don't know what my draw is to diners.  Or even restaurants in general.  I have zero desire to own one, to work in one, but I certainly write about them.

My latest novel is a cozy mystery set in a roadside diner.  I'm nearing the 30,000-word mark.  I'm hoping to have it completed by the end of this month.

When you look back at the books you read--or, to the authors, to the books you write--is there a common setting or theme?

Friday, February 28, 2025

Reliance On Power / Happenings In The Outhouse 28-Feb-2025

The other morning, I woke up in the middle of the night to a deafening silence.  There was no hum of life.  No whirl of the fan in our room--or in any other room.

The only sound was the low ringing of silence . . . 

I sat up in bed and discovered that the power was out.  It was three in the morning, and although the streetlights were on, our electricity was out.

This happened late July last year, and the height of summer, in the sweltering heat, and most of the town was celebrating their annual festival.

It's interesting how much we rely on electricity.  Without it, there is no internet.  No computers (well, we can still work on our laptops, but if we rely on going to the internet or cloud for anything, we're screwed).

Growing up, we used to spend a lot of time at my grandparents' cabin in northwestern Minnesota.  It was so close to Canada, we could walk to the border.  There was no electricity, no running water.  If you needed to use the bathroom, for us males it was either pee in the woods or drop your drawers in the outhouse.  I loved it out there.

Imagine what your life would be like, even for a few minutes or hours, or even days, without electricity.

Friday, February 21, 2025

22K Words and Counting / Happenings In The Outhouse 21-FEb-2025

A quick post today.

I am over 22,000 words into my new cozy mystery that I'm writing.  It's been fun working on it, and going in directions I hadn't planned--which is usually the way I roll, since I don't outline ahead of time.

I have other publishing news too, but I'll wait on that until I know more.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Greener pastures revisited / Happenings In The Outhouse 14-Feb-2025

Last week, I touched on this subject of always looking elsewhere, never sticking with one thing, even though it's working.  Keep in mind, it may not be working as fast as you wish, but there is truly nothing long term for those seeking quick riches.

Many years ago, I sought out literary agents through query letters, for possible representation to publish my novels.  I repeated the process over and over again.

Then, I heard about self-publishing and was curious about it.  I researched it--I read about vanity presses and didn't want to go down that route--and then decided to dip my toes into the self-publishing waters in April 2012.  It was a small nonfiction book, but at the same time I was still writing and submitting with minimal success.

Once I dipped my toe in and researched more on it, I tried one last push for an agent, even connecting with them on social media . . . but in the end I self-published my books and have never looked back.

Will this work for everyone?

Everyone's path to success is different.  But when something doesn't work right away, don't dismiss it right away.

Some things take longer than others.

Patience . . .

Friday, February 7, 2025

Greener pastures aren't much (if any) greener / Happenings In The Outhouse 07-Feb-2025

Looking elsewhere may seem like the grass is greener than where you are standing, but in most cases it is not.

What am I getting at?

Let's say, for example, that I write a bunch of stories in a certain genre and it doesn't seem to stick with readers.  So I pick another genre and do the same thing.  Nothing.  Then I see that a certain new genre is making the charts so I switch to that.

Again, nothing.

What seems to be the problem?  Well, it's . . . you.  You are the problem.  Work on improving your craft, whatever that may be, because switching genres or moving to a larger city, just because you think you can gain more sales (even though you already have existing clients) is the wrong move.

Because when you get there, the grass looks like where you first were.  In fact, it may even be worse.

More on this next week . . .