Well, I'm at it again, pausing them in its entirety and revisiting the list that I do have and possibly cutting them down. Are there new ones to add? Possibly not. Are there ones to cut? Possibly.
I looked at my podcast list and discovered I had not listed to a podcast since the end of October.
Why is this?
A number of reasons, truth be told. I have some changes at my full-time job which is causing me to focus more of my energy on learning new work processes. Also, I am listening to more audiobooks, so my listening is not completely going away.
Last year, I focused a lot on learning new writing techniques and writing short stories. Now, I am writing a new novel (in a new series). It is a cozy mystery series and I am around 6,500 words into it. I am having a blast writing it. I have a short story that I am using as the basis for it, but for now I am keeping the details under wraps.