Friday, May 22, 2020

Need a little patience / Happenings In The Outhouse 22-May-2020

Everyone's path to success is different.  But the key to success is not to compare yourself to other people's paths.  Because you're wasting your time comparing yourself when you should be working on improving yourself.

Keep working on your skills.

Set goals.

As far as goals are concerned, start small.  And when I mean small, don't write down too many things.  I have four on my weekly goals list.

Take time for yourself, to give yourself grace.  Who cares if your high school buddy is a budding millionaire with three houses, a gorgeous spouse, a dozen nice cars, and such forth?  There may be more to his story than what you know.  And even if it is, who cares?  Take stock in what you have and do your best.

Have patience.  Life is a journey, not a sprint.

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